Good, Bad, All

My habits have changed a lot these past couple of months. I did a dog-sitting gig where I wasn't able to exercise as much so I revamped my entire schedule. I think Saturday and Sunday will be my days off. Some of my habits have stuck, though. I do light a candle every now and then, more often than not now that the colder weather is making its way across the world. I'm also getting in the habit of giving myself more treats, and I really do mean just treats. Example A: If I want a sparkling drink from the store, or a sandwich, I'll get it for myself. I used to never do that before, because I believed it too self-indulgent. I'm learning to indulge every once in a while. I'm also trying to break my biggest and worst habit: skin-picking. It's hard, for sure, but my skin will thank me later.

I still make way too many houses on TS3 and TS4. Nothing will ever change that.