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Jung's Classification

The 16Personalities Character for INFJ. A male with white hair and a white beard is dressed in a green robe. The style is reminscient of cubism, as the character is drawn with cubic features. The 16Personalities Character for INTJ. A male with purple hair and a purple mustache. Light purple, almost destaurated. As with the INFJ, the style is cubism. He wears a purple suit and is looking down at a grey diagram.


For the last year or so, I've been trying to figure out my MBTI type. It can be pretty hard, especially when online testing is shown to not be completely accurate. Because of that, I've taken to analysing the Jungian function that MBTI is based on, which is somewhat more accurate. Of course, nothing can tell for sure what kind of way you think or what sitautions stress you out. The human experience is so unique and people are multi-faceted. I always get INFJ or INTJ as my results, though, so I've taken to calling myself a mix between those two. I'm kind, but not exactly a people-person. I can lack empathy in certain situations, but I'm not one of those people that hates kids just because they're kids. I can be patient with children, but I lose my cool with people I believe to be better. I work well with a routine, but also crave something new every once in a while. I can understand people's emotions and always see the other side of things. That doesn't mean I believe there's good in everyone. I believe we are inherently immoral as people, actually. My own morals are loose. I would kill one to save the many. People are complex. For this very reason, I believe that the whole Myers-Briggs typing thing is a bit rubbish. As I have said, typology is a tricky thing. People change over time and sometimes even on a daily basis. Who you present yourself as around friends will probably be different from who you present as at work, surrounded by people you call colleagues and not close friends. I know I, personally, act differently in front of my family. My friends are always surprised to see me with the slightest bit of energy while my family knows that I have occasional bursts. It all depends, I think. I treat it with a grain of salt. I also feel that cognitive functions work a whole lot better when trying to identify your way of thinking. It's cool to type others as well, to know them, or at least their functions.

MBTI Tests



For me, the enneagram is a bit more accurate, in regards to my personality. The 5w6 type is defined as a sort of scientific type, and I've always wanted to be a scientist of some sort. I have a robotic mind, sometimes. I was always interested in labs during school, because the experiments we did made me happy, for some reason. Titrations, the bane of so many chemistry student's existences, are my favorite activity to do in a lab setting. I also tend to come across as intimidating or serious when people meet me. I don't divulge private information very often. In fact, very few people know the inner workings of my mind because to let those go would be to shed my human suit completely. I don't think I could bear that.

I love knowing things. I love the act of learning. I want to get so many degrees, simply because I love learning about different subjects and there's not nearly enough time in the world for all the things I want to learn, but I intend to try anyway. Despite this off-putting nature, in some people's eyes, I'm also someone who likes group work, and obeying authority. I'm the kind of people-pleaser that you would want as your assistant, not because I smile and act kind all the time, but because I'll do whatever you ask me to do, without question. Whatever keeps the harmony, whatever pleases my superiors. I'm content with these traits of mine. They are what I am. To conclude, Enneagram and MBTI can be great catalysts for further dives into your self. I'd encourage everyone to at least read a little bit about cognitive functions, because they are wildly interesting and come with great thought-provoking questions.

A diagram of the Enneagram type 5w6. Resembling a pie chart, the text '5w6' sits in the middle with lines dividing the rest of the circle into four sections. The top section reads 'Virtue:Non-attachment', to the right 'Vice:Avarice', bottom 'Ego Fixation:Stinginess' and to the left 'Triad:Head'. All in black and white text.