Daily Log of Communications Officer, Doug Eiffel, transmitting now from Wolf359...

Art of the crew of the U.S.S. Hephaestus from the Wolf359 podcast. The crew is Doug Eiffel, Renee Minkowski, Alexander Hilbert, and the on-board AI Hera. Doug and Renee are dark-skinned people, while Hilbert is a white Russian man. Here, meanwhile, is depicted as a light blue-skinned hologram.

Aboard the U.S.S. Hephaestus lies three people and an AI. The three, Doug Eiffel, the spaceship's communications officer, Renee Minkowski, the commander, and Alexander Hilbert, the geneticist and resident medical personnel, are monitoring the red dwarf they're currently orbiting, known as Wolf359 to the crew. The crew is highly dsyfunctional. None of them get along as well as they should, considering they're the only human life they have around. Add on to that a plant monster Dr. Hilbert created, frequent setbacks that Commander Minkowski takes charge of, and unusual radio transmissions that Doug can't make heads or tails of and you have the makings of a regular audio drama.

The official cover art for Wolf359, which depicts a a red dwarf in space, blue and dark, with various objects floating around, and a red portable radio in the centre of them all.

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